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Cheese vat and Drainage systems
Automatic pressing and drainage system
Drainage systems | DRENPRE
Machine suitable for the production of pressed curd blocks, with adjustable dimensions in according to production needs, and it’s ideal for high quantity of production capacity.
This machines allows you to produce
It’s optimal for the large production realities.
Production capacity
Up to 15.000 lt/batch.
Technical features
Dimensions: in according to the capacity required.
The machine rests on fixed feet supported by a structure in tubular of stainless steel.
Vat with adequate dimensions and depth, where are located the baskets for drainage and advancement of curd towards the exit of the machine. In this vat, the curd once discharged from the cheese vat, is pressed through a pressing panel and finished the pressing phase, the curd is cut by a longitudinal and transverse knives activated by pneumatic cylinders. The output of curd blocks is done in automatic way.
The whey that is drained from the curd, through the pressing, is discharged through the holes of the baskets, and sent towards the pump mounted on the machine
All the length of the vat, is closed through a coverage CIP, divided in more sections, in order to simplify the manual opening by the user. Under the coverage, are positioned some washing spheres.
Main construction features
The machine is fully made in stainless steel AISI304 and in compliance to the CEE regulations in force.
It is managed by PLC with color touch screen with protection degree IP65.
Related Machines
Cheese vat and Drainage systems
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