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Cheese vat and Drainage systems
Automatic drainage system
Drainage systems | DR
Machine suitable to produce the curd to be treated for the production of different kinds of pasta filata cheeses.
This machines allows you to produce
It’s optimal for the medium and large production realities.
Production capacity
Up to 15.000 lt/batch.
Technical features
Dimensions: in according to the capacity required.
The machine is assembled on a supporting structure in stainless steel. Under the structure will be realized all the food tubes for the curd loading, evacuation of residual whey, circulation of washing solutions CIP.
The machine is composed by n.3 sections:
- Section of curd containment
- Section of whey containment
- Section of hot water containment, with closed circuit.
The machine has a double vat, of which that inside, with trapezoidal shape, is totally holed, to allow the evacuation of the residual whey, and the other one, containing the hot water for the management of the whey temperature through indirect interchange of the heat.
Inside the vat of collection and drainage of the curd is assembled an auger in stainless steel that has a double moving (backward and forward). The moving and the speed of the auger are managed in automatic by the PLC.
In the final part of the auger are assembled two series of knives: the first, fixed and with radial shape and the other one, of longitudinal type to incise the curd for further evacuation of the whey.
Main construction features
The machine is fully made in stainless steel AISI304 and in compliance to the CEE regulations in force.
Related Machines
Cheese vat and Drainage systems
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