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Stretching machines
Stretching machine with dipping arms
Continuous stretching machines | M91B
Stretching machine suitable to produce different kinds of pasta filata cheeses, especially the ones with a high degree of moisture.
This machines allows you to produce
It’s optimal for the small and medium production realities.
Production capacity
Up to 450 kg/h (in according to the moisture and fibrous of the desired product).
Technical features
Dimensions: mm 2200x1100x2150 (h)
Electrical power: 5 kW
Weight: 900 kg
The stretching machine is composed by n.5 working sections:
- Section of feeding and cutting of raw material;
- Section of cooking;
- Section of stretching with a couple of dipping arms;
- Section of water heating;
- Section of control and management.
The machine is made in compliance to the health regulations in force, both in the materials, both in the designing, in order to ensure that every part it is easily accessible to allow to the operator easy cleaning operations.
Main construction features
The machine is fully made in stainless steel AISI304 and the parts in contact with the product are covered by a film of Teflon synthetized at high temperature.
The stretching machine is made in compliance to CEE regulations in force, favoring the cleaning and sanitation operations. Furthermore, the machine is equipped of all the safeties needed for the operator.
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