Machines for mozzarella, pizza cheese and string cheese

Via Dell’Artigianato, 2
84092 Bellizzi (SA)

About Comat

Value Partner

Since 1986 COMAT attends to the designing and manufacturing of the machines and equipment for the dairy industry, mainly in pasta filata cheese making business, such as mozzarella, pizza cheese, stick and string cheese, ricotta and similar products.

Passion and commitment as well an attitude to continuous innovation, total quality methods and customer training, led to an increasingly growth and open up new markets and business.

Our knowledge of dairy technologies meets all the requests of this line of business, ensuring the design of valuable solutions, becoming a real partner of our customers.

Because of those skills, joined with the great sense of professionalism of our technical and sales team, COMAT been chosen by numerous international customers, located on all five continents.

For COMAT innovating mainly means sharing innovations with everyone. To do so, we implement our latest technologies to our entire range of machines, and not only for those with higher productivity.
Researching and designing of the best solutions to increase the quality of the processing technologies, but also to provide a constant assistance available.
For COMAT is important to pay close attention to the customers, developing a tight relationship with our customers, understanding their neds and their approach to the technologies, providing valuable information and support in order to satisfy their production needs.
Ensuring services of high quality to increase the trust of our customers, showing efficiency, responsability and ability to support you in the best way during all the phases of processing and maintenance.
COMAT provides a support service with qualified technicians, thanks to a worldwide network of representative offices and divisions.
Our specialized technicians are also available to offer remote assistance for the optimal use of the machines and automation lines.


COMAT is an UNI EN ISO certified company for every step of processing, from the designing of the machines up to the commissioning to the customer’s factories and the technical support service.

our customers

Main References

Some customers who believed in us.

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